Do you have a research-based idea or an innovation that could help make the world a better place? Dalhousie wants to give you a chance to pitch it on the world stage in Berlin at the Falling Walls Lab competition on November 7.
Falling Walls is a platform for early-career professionals and students to share solutions to pressing global challenges. It’s about inspiration. You’ll have just three minutes to persuade a jury from academia, media and business, that your solution has the potential to make a positive change.
To determine the winner travelling to the finals in Berlin, Dalhousie will host a regional pitch competition in-person in Halifax on September 21. To take part, prospective competitors need to apply to Dalhousie’s Falling Walls Atlantic Canada Lab by August 10.
In addition to a return flight to Berlin and accommodation, the winner of Dalhousie’s Falling Walls Atlantic Canada competition will be registered to attend the Falling Walls Science Summit 2022, where they will rub shoulders with Nobel Laureates and global thought leaders. They will also receive professional pitch training and $500 from the European Union research collaboration initiative, EURAXESS North America, to travel to visit a European university lab of their choice.
Learn more about the competition via Dal News.
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